‘Rian with Friends, 2017’ © Peyton Fulford. This image was part of The 2017 Print Swap exhibition at Photoville.

The Print Swap is coming to Photoville! After a year of traveling to Sydney, Los Angeles, Berlin, and India, we will return to Brooklyn Bridge Park, the site of the first-ever Print Swap exhibition one year ago, in an exhibition curated by Alison Zavos and Ellyn Kail, the Founder/Editor-in-Chief and Editor of Feature Shoot, respectively. All photographers are welcome to submit by tagging their images #theprintswap. As with last year’s exhibition, the theme is open. We will select images that inspire and spark the imagination across genres and political and cultural boundaries.

Photoville, as its name suggests, is the largest annual photography event in New York City. Now in its seventh year, Photoville by United Photo Industries features dozens of modular gallery spaces made from repurposed shipping containers, all installed along the waterfront. Photoville has hosted exhibitions by organizations ranging from The New York Times, TIME Magazine, and National Geographic to Instagram, The Pulitzer Center, and the Magnum Foundation, and more than 80,000 people visited the 70+ immersive exhibitions, workshops, panels, and nighttime events at Photoville 2017. We will choose a total of thirty outstanding photographs to be part of the 2018 show. This will be the seventh Print Swap exhibition to date. Although The Print Swap is open year-round, only photos submitted between May 29th and July 7, 2018 will be considered for the show.

Photographers who participate in The Print Swap give a print and receive a print from another photographer. The Print Swap collection is carefully curated by Zavos, and prints are mailed out at random, so we never know which print will end up with which photographer until the day it arrives. Going forward, Print Swap photographers will now be able to sell their their via our new store, Superfine Prints. Inclusion in The Print Swap does not necessarily mean inclusion in our offline exhibitions, but all images will be featured on one or more of our platforms: Feature Shoot, Facebook, and/or the @featureshoot or @theprintswap Instagram accounts. It’s free to submit your images for consideration for The Print Swap, though selected photographers pay $40 per image to participate.

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